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Have It All at Harrogate

Life at Harrogate

Active seniors know that retirement is the start of a new, exciting chapter — it’s time to dive into your bucket list! Pick up new hobbies, explore passions, make friends, and enjoy family time. Savvy seniors downsize to Harrogate, where we handle the yard work and maintenance so you can focus on the fun.

Every day, new residents join our Life Care Community, discovering the joys of clubs, day trips, classes, and more. Days here are filled with good food, friends, and laughter. Read on to see how our community helps residents discover the best versions of themselves as they “Have it All” at Harrogate!

Joe Kamsar

At Harrogate, I Have a Full Life.

I have always had a busy life. Moving here 15 years ago, the pace did not slow down. I can do as little or as much as I want, surrounded by a family of friends and love. I always have things to look forward to here. And isn’t that what a full life is all about?

Rosa Turano

I Have Gratitude.

“I came to this country from Italy when I was 14. I’ve had a beautiful life here, surrounded by love, family, and friends. Here at Harrogate, my great life continues. Sono grata – I am so grateful for this new phase of my life with so much to do and so many new friends.”

Marie Marcolla

I Have the Best of Both Worlds.

Marie Marcolla met her husband, John, at a church dance. “We’ve been married 68 years, and we still love listening to music together. The concerts here at Harrogate always puts smiles on our faces.”
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